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Temple of Set Conclave in San Francisco

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Oct 10, 2008, 11:20:05 PM10/10/08
I, along with a group of other people,
will be lawfully demonstrating/picketing
the TOS conclave which will be held on
October 25-29, 2008 in San Francisco, CA.
At that time, we hope to hold a press
conference and we will be accompanied
by the police, of course, for our own safety.

At this event, I would like an opportunity
to briefly debate with Michael Aquino. I
hope he can attend because I would be
very interested in such a debate between
us. If Michael Aquino cannot attend this
event, I hope there will be a good reason
provided by Lilith Aquino as to why this is

If there is not a good reason provided by
Lilith Aquino for his absence, then perhaps
the SF police would be willing to perform
a routine welfare check to make sure he is

Ever the vigilante ex-child abuse investigator,

Diana Napolis, M.A.

Wanda Tinasky

Oct 11, 2008, 12:24:00 PM10/11/08
Hey Dianna:

For every document case of self-described satanists committing child
abuse, they're literally *thousands* of these crimes done by
Christians. A recent example:
Why don't you do the world a favor and turn your sights to the people
that really commit these crimes, the Christians and the Catholics?

Despite your obsessive, unprovable claims against Aquino, there hasn't
been a lick of prosecutable evidence against him. Have you ever
considered that the military has a lower standard of evidence for
crime? I'm not sure, but I doubt anyone else you've named in your
lawsuit are guilty of anything more than having speeding tickets. You
might want to pick up the book, Satanic Panic, and look at a scholarly
account of the Satanic hysteria that was present in the county in the

As an aside, I was sent to a parochial school in LA from the 5th thru
8th grades. What they did to me and my fellow students then was/is
*severe* child abuse. I was eventually expelled from this school. My
experience colors my life today. During much of my adult life, I've
had violent outbursts, substance abuse, and trust issues. If I had the
ability to seek revenge on these people without prosecution, I'd be
happy to boil each of them in oil and feed them to my pets.

I'm not writing this stuff for sympathy or any other such nonsense
that some of the nuttters in alt.satanism might jump on (i.e Egan, Dan-
Ron Garguillio, or Tani). It just that you, being dangerously mentally
ill, are causing great harm to individuals with no criminal history of
child abuse. The only people that should be concerned for their safety
are those you've been harassing. My guess is that this won't stop
until you're back in a safer controlled environment under the
treatment of competent psychiatrists. My hope is that you consider
what I've written, go back on your meds and seek counseling.


George Orwell

Oct 11, 2008, 3:59:39 PM10/11/08
I hope the cops arrest you, kook Diana.

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Oct 12, 2008, 11:49:50 PM10/12/08
Man, you're really overselling this...

> On Oct 11, 12:24 pm, Wanda Tinasky <> wrote:
> > Hey Dianna:
> > For every document case of self-described satanists committing child
> > abuse, they're literally *thousands* of these crimes done by
> > Christians. A recent example:
> > Why don't you do the world a favor and turn your sights to the people
> > that really commit these crimes, the Christians and the Catholics?

> It is obviously useless to point this fraud, this phony "child
> protector" to *real* child abuse going on.  Linda exposed this person
> on sci.psychology.psychotherapy, after having talked to this person on
> the telephone and gotten many details.

Linda? No Napolis is just, er, nuts.

> It is obvious that this person has no problem with real child abuse,
> child slavery, the selling of children's internal organs (going on now
> due to the drug and sex slave traffic in Central Asia, with the
> Taliban and their colleagues making lots of money).  A real child
> protector would be on the front lines advocating for these poor young
> girls in the Middle Eastern dictatorships, young girls,  8 and 9 years
> old, forcibly married to old men, after having their clitoruses cut
> off.  This person is a fraud and a coward.

Now you're just playing into feeding Napolis' obsession and
challenging her. Nice job...

> It would seem to me that this person has no interest in going after
> NAMBLA, an organization that advocates Gay sex with adult men and boys
> under 8 years old, an organization that also hands out literature to
> their members on how to seduce children and get away with it.  Forget
> the Catholic Church, this person would never go after *real* child
> abusers.  This person has no problem with Islamic Imam rulings against
> women and Gays.  Killing Gays is OK under Sharia law, and it has been
> done.  Killing women is OK too, honor killings.  This person has no
> problem with this.  Forcing 8 and 9 year old girls to marry old men is
> OK under Sharia law.  That's also OK with this "child protector."
> This person seems to be obsessed on one thing only, this so-called
> satanism, the Satan thing.  This person has a very unrealistic view of
> what these so-called satanic organizations even think about this so-
> called Satan bogeyman.  Nobody except the Theistics under Diane Vera
> even believe that there is such a thing as Satan.

This thread isn't about Nambla, Islam, or Diane Vera.

> The Church of Satan has, to-date, 3 convicted child abusers to their
> name, two of them were Priests for quite some time.  The Temple of Set
> has none.  The SR organization is political, not religious.  One has
> to agree to 10 *political* statements to join it.  Obama would
> qualify :)  It doesn't matter what religion anyone is.

I agree it doesn't matter what "religion anyone is" so why bring it

> This person makes *all real child abuse* sound like bullshit because
> this person keeps bringing up bullshit.  In that sense, this person is
> *aiding and abetting* real child abusers.  And sure, that was no
> mispelling.  VIGILANTE?  That's what this person wrote:  vigilante.
> This person *ignores* real child abusers and real child abuse.  This
> person wants to pretend to the throne of child protector, yet this
> person protects no children at all.  This person is merely a predator
> with an obsession on a group of people that are linked together only
> in an hallucination.  This person protects no children at all.  This
> person ignores real child abusers in the world, Islamic and Catholic
> and NAMBLA. That makes this person a total fraud.

And you're feeding the fires of bedlam with the overt challenge.

> It seems to me that this person has a major hallucinatory Thang for
> Aquino, and this person is escalating, adding other innocent people to
> the hallucinations or perhaps they are just libels.  It is patently
> insane to even link Aquino to Tani or anything Tani believes or
> thinks, yet this person has done this.

But feeding into the frenzy helps? Oh my.

> I read what Tani wrote this person.  No threat at all.  Voicing your
> opinion about "what punishment you think stalkers should receive" is
> not a threat.  Therefore, there is no threat.  I have opinions on what
> should be done to stalkers, too.  I'm not liberal on that issue.  This
> person seems to think that freedom of speech is one way, that no one
> else has that right.  This is exactly how this person is behaving.

This person is mentally ill and has been incarcerated due to her

> This person could very easily be counter sued, one, for harassing
> people for expressing free speech and opinion making it a dangerous
> environment to have free speech/opinion, and two, for filing a
> malicious a law suit that was designed solely to harass people, cost
> them money and time, forcing people to *pay attention* to this
> person.  "How dare you ignore me." "I'll force you to pay attention."
> This person feels invulnerable, despite claiming to be the victim of
> impossible technology.  This person is clearly a cunning predator who
> expects others to see a victim instead of a predator.  This person
> should beware of retaliation.  People can only take so much of being
> harassed and bothered like this when there is no apparent end to it.
> Eventually, something breaks.  Then it is finally finished.  Ended.

A counter suit would compromise the people involved by revealing their
home addresses and giving Napolis another fix of media attention. This
helps, um, how?

> Take the street gang "the Bloods", which is a gang this person is
> probably familiar with, being in the same state.  Surely, they abuse
> the children that they get into their gangs, they make these kids into
> brutal murderers.  Imagine if this person played this lawsuit game
> with them.  This person would be shot in the face before it ever saw a
> courtroom.

And a careful reader would infer that filing a lawsuit could cause
homicide? Please. You're feeding into her mental illness.

> This person is accusing people of impossible, but horrible sounding
> things.  This person is accusing all these people, including people in
> a university and people that were on a jury, of causing harm.  This
> person is also relentless.  That these accused people have done
> nothing to anyone falls by the wayside.  This person has escalated to
> using the courts to harass people.  This person also laughs and mocks
> the real fear these others are feeling, fear they have attested to in
> their own letters.

By putting the spotlight on Napolis, it encourages her.

> > Despite your obsessive, unprovable claims against Aquino, there hasn't
> > been a lick of prosecutable evidence against him. Have you ever
> > considered that the military has a lower standard of evidence for
> > crime? I'm not sure, but I doubt anyone else you've named in your
> > lawsuit are guilty of anything more than having speeding tickets. You
> > might want to pick up the book, Satanic Panic, and look at a scholarly
> > account of the Satanic hysteria that was present in the county in the
> > 1980s.

> You might get yourself added to this person's shit list for saying
> that.  After all, aren't you the one and only Harry Lime, master of
> manipulation and deceit and Satanist par excellance?  Aren't you the
> person that made veiled rape threats against Tani and suggested you'd
> show up at her home to - hug her?  You betcha, that's you.  I remember
> that.  She went to the damned cops over that one and the cops agreed
> with her.  And you betcha, Tani said that if you showed up at her
> home, she'd shoot you.  Just keep that in mind.  I told her you were
> goofing around.

I'm not the leader of an occult group or a satanist. I'm not even
Harry Lime. I've never made "veiled" or overt rape threats to
Jantsang. Ew... Funny, the police never took away my ISP or called me
about these allegations either.

> > As an aside, I was sent to a parochial school in LA from the 5th thru
> > 8th grades. What they did to me and my fellow students then was/is
> > *severe* child abuse. I was eventually expelled from this school. My
> > experience colors my life today. During much of my adult life, I've
> > had violent outbursts, substance abuse, and trust issues. If I had the
> > ability to seek revenge on these people without prosecution, I'd be
> > happy to boil each of them in oil and feed them to my pets.

> It is unfortunate when things like this happen.  You could prosecute
> those people.  Too bad your father didn't go there and kick the shit
> of those people.  You should, however, not project that kind of
> experience onto other people, or call people "nutters" when they are
> goofing around.  You seem to take out your vengeance on the wrong
> people, instead of on the right people.  This background would explain
> the venom you aim at people who have done nothing to you but disagree
> with you.

It's more than unfortunate. Believe me, prosecution might be good for
the bank account, but doesn't satisfy much else.

> For instance, you needlessly obsess on the DD.  But you don't seem to
> obsesss on the flying Jesus rising from the dead and other
> foolishness.  There is nothing superstitious in the DD, however.

When's the last time I've critiqued this stuff? I could care less.

> > I'm not writing this stuff for sympathy or any other such nonsense
> > that some of the nuttters in alt.satanism might jump on (i.e Egan, Dan-
> > Ron Garguillio, or Tani).

> Here is where I'm speaking up, Harry/Wanda.  I don't know Egan or Dan
> or Ron.  As a Gay, I take offence at anyone that supports NAMBLA, even
> if they are doing it as a freedom of speech statement, or to be
> outrageous, as Egan once did.  That organization has caused Gays harm,
> but you'd not know about that.  You'd never know that if you lived in
> a big city where liberal values are the rule.  The existence of NAMBLA
> has caused ordinary Gays harm.  It's only more the worse because
> NAMBLA is not banned from the Gay Parades.  I don't know these
> others.  But I do know Tani, personally.  She's a goof, for sure.  She
> can get on a roll and make people laugh their asses off, but
> unfortunately, when the roll is transplanted to the printed word, it
> just doesn't go over well, it doesn't sound funny because you can't
> see the facial expressions and gestures.  Tani is just about the most
> down to earth "square" person I've ever met.  She's also very friendly
> and very nice, and doesn't really give a shit what other people think
> or do, so long as they don't bother her.  But she is very direct and
> very blunt.  She's sort of like Kramer on Seinfeld.  She is also
> legally blind and disabled.  Of course, you don't give a damn.  You
> are not an easy going person, Harry/Wanda.  That's the problem.  You
> can goof around, but nobody else can except your friends.  Likewise,
> this person with the malicious lawsuits can freely speak hate speech
> and libel people through the roof, but nobody else can have free
> speech.

This isn't about Nambla, Tani, or me.

> As for nutters, you really do take the cake, and so do your two
> friends.  You also don't see how identical you are, in your own way,
> to that "dh" fellow.  You do the same things he does, it's just that
> you do these things regarding other subjects.  You do it even worse
> than he does.  You make accusations, you invent stories about people's
> lives and families and you keep inventing more and more.  And you
> don't see yourself as nuts for doing this.  And you are surprised that
> on a forum, where anything can be said, where the outrageous is the
> norm, where flames are protected by free speech, that Tani would come
> on here and have a few giggles or vent?  And please, spare yourself
> someone else posting "Tani said blah blib" garbage.  Such people have
> had a tendency to mold what she actually said into what they wish she
> said.  Nonetheless, freedom of speech is what I clearly see is being
> threatened on here.  It is being severely threatened.  As to being on
> a jury?  I'd never go on a jury and risk my life.  That is what it has
> come to.  And you see nothing wrong with this development?

I'd be concerned about my safety if I was feeding into Napolis'

> If you and your friends truly wanted to talk about Adorno you'd
> be on a proper message board talking about it with like minded people
> who'd have a lot to say of much interest.  You'd not be on
> alt.satanism.  That is where I go to have discussions about these
> writers (most of whom, btw, I happen to agree with).  I don't agree
> with Leo, however.  And, Obama has about as much in common with Ayers
> as you have with Palin......

So there's an "alt.marcuse-adorno" group now? This newsgroup hasn't
been about satanism for a long time.

It is becoming clear to me that you and your 2 friends on here, and
even that "dh" guy, would like to see Tani dead. It just really does
come off that way.  I see nothing playful about it anymore.

You're nuts. I've never wanted Tani "dead." Perhaps you're in need of
some meds, no?

> It just that you, being dangerously mentally
> > ill, are causing great harm to individuals with no criminal history of
> > child abuse. The only people that should be concerned for their safety
> > are those you've been harassing.

> At least you are reasonable enough to figure that out.  This person
> should be concerned about self safety lest this person harass the
> wrong person a tad too much, or "show up" in the wrong place with
> intent to harass.  There is only so much people can take of this sort
> of nonsense, before the dam breaks.

Writing this type of nonsense could be seen as a challenge by an
unbalanced person.

> My guess is that this won't stop
> > until you're back in a safer controlled environment under the
> > treatment of competent psychiatrists. My hope is that you consider
> > what I've written, go back on your meds and seek counseling.

> And you imagine that that would stop it?  This person would lie and
> squirm out of it as was obviously done before.  Either that, or this
> person is not mentally ill at all and just pretending to be, so that
> impossible accuations can be hurled at people, long-distance harm
> caused by impossible technology, ray guns, mind control, and get away
> with using the courts to harass people.  And now this person (it's
> almost funny) is hiding actual stalking behind the right to picket?
> This person is going to ask the police to check to see if Aquino is OK
> if he doesn't show up?  This person is *demanding* a debate?  This is
> laughable.  More rope.  More rope.

If I were the ToS, I'd quietly change the venue. Perhaps the ToS did
the smart thing and did some disinfo about the real site? Boy, you're
a moron.

> If such technology were even remotely possible, we'd not be fighting a
> war in Iraq or looking for Osama bin Laden.
> And onto this very simple observation.  If the Church of Satan is not
> a Church and has no belief in any Satan, then why are they allowed to
> advertise themselves as a Church - and of Satan - THE Church of Satan,
> the one and only?   Why is the Satanic Reds allowed to advertise as
> Satanic and Red when they are not Satanic at all and not Red at all?
> The same answer applies to both, Harry/Wanda et. al.   CoS is about
> Atheism.  SR is about Eastern philosophy with many links to Eastern
> sites and political sites (on plain links).  The CoS charges 200
> dollars to get a spooky red card.  The SR charges nothing and even
> advises people not to join for there is no need to do that.

And I'll be snarky and say "you get what you pay for."

> You might make fun of the other organizations out there, Blackwood,
> et. al. but at least they do have a real Satan in their
> organizations.  So does Diane Vera.  Their religion, which is actually
> about a real Satan, is protected by law.  That poor slob "dh" might do
> well to take note of that and debate with the proper people, people
> who won't just goof him around as has been done on this silly
> newsgroup.  All of these seriously Satanic organizations do have
> message boards.  Obviously, "dh" is not interested in really debating
> or finding anything out.  He's just trashing people and deteriorating,
> noticably so!  He's "spending" his soul on here.

Tani has been "spending" her soul on here for a long time so I'd guess
"dh" has nothing to worry about...

> > Wanda

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